October 17, 2008

Ladybug is getting big! Fresno Family Photographer

I have been watching this little ladybug grow for the past year, and I must say that I have had the biggest adventures with mom and baby during this time. Last night I came home from our session exhausted and with dry grass from that field poking me all over. But it was worth it, we captured some wonderful images. What do you think mom?

No worries, mom is hiding behind the tree with a good grip on her!

Sometimes children make me laugh so hard that I barely manage to get the image. Take a look at this pumpkin squat... She was standing there for the longest time and then decided to take a load off, playing a precision game of balance. She had mom and I rolling in laughter.
Here is her year in review at 1 year, 7 months, 3 months, and 21 days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love the little pumpkin butt picture! sooo sweet.